dRuNkkkk sExxxY tImEEEE

So you’ve had a few shots. Maybe they are body shots off of a rando, maybe they are watermelon vodka shots with your besties, maybe they are rum shots alone in your room. Now you are feelin kinda hawt and kinda ready to get some insertion on and wanna hunt for your prey. Or whatever you call a drunk hookup. In my mind, prey is the best word because you get that drunk feeling of empowerment and (growl) animalistic horniness.

Now you’ve found your partner (I purposefully skipped the finding part because we all know how that happens- sloppy grinding, perhaps some groping and then “lezz go to mah room, my roomie is deaf/gone/won’t care smileyface”) and you are back in your room. The best part is that you have that buzzed confidence, so either your clothes come off slow and sexy just like they are supposed to, or they fall off somehow with a jumble of hands, feet zippers and teeth.

After some messy, wet, mouthy foreplay either downtown or uptown, a condom is (hopefully bitchez!!!! STDs are for lyfe or whatever!!!) and you “sheath your shaft” as Cosmo puts it, and in ya go! Woot woot, the first in is so damn good lets just acknowledge that. But after the first in, what happens? You either go jackhammer, yeah bitch you like that, no-breaks pumping with a dead fish girl whose painting her nails and yawning from utter boredom at your lack of variety. Or you bump heads and can’t decide which complicated position to be in as your head spins and you consider throwing up over the side of the bed. Drunk sex is messy and lets face it- more prevalent than sober sex. By A LOT. Because people have all those emotions we already talked about, the empowerment, the animalism etc etc etc, and are more likely to lose their inhibitions and their choosiness so they will go home with whoever, whenever, for what reason (my favorite personal reason was going home with a dude because he was in the army and I noticed on his dog tags that we were the same blood type so I could donate to him if he was ever hurt in the war).

leads to….

But don’t do it ladies and gents! Just don’t! I mean do do it but don’t do drunk sex! Sober sex all the way! By all means drink and have sex but don’t do blackout sex. For one thing you could be raped (of either gender, don’t forget about super-ambitious women here) or regret it the next morning, or not find a condom and wake up with herpes (!!!!worstfear!!!!!) or pregnant or whatever. Plus sober sex is SO much more coordinated and sexy and in sync and just a million times better. You can have actual communication about what you like, the dude doesn’t pee inside of you and pretend he came, and you can be mentally focused enough to orgasm! So take the pledge (it SHALL become a thing, I swear it will!) to say no to drunk sex and yes to sober sex. Well fine, say yes to sex in general but you know what I mean.

plus you can do fun things like dress up in sexy outfits before sober sex which you can’t really do after eight vodka sodas.

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Never Have I Ever…..

Written a sex blog before. Until now. Damn, now one of my only go-to answers to my fav game is gone (oh well I still haven’t been to Antartica or been sky diving). I have always secretly wished that this particular party game could be played backwards. But “Have You Ever…” wouldn’t go over so well because 1. It is inherently self promoting and 2. So many people are afraid to get down and dirty and talk about sexysexsex. Regardless, I would love to play that game backwards because I’d always win 🙂

I’ve decided to help out all you people who have an endless supply of “never have I ever” answers. Never have you ever had a threesome? Worry not dear reader, I shall guide you through it. Not literally though, that shizz is for you and your “friends” to experience all on your own. Never have you ever had anal or even wanted to? I have a pro con list for you…. this being one of them (asses are just awesome… a post with just a bunch of butts will come soon).

 Whether you clicked on this link just to procrastinate, or whether you are actually interested in some practical advice given in an oh so witty and sexy way I just hope to be your guide for all those questions can’t ask your older sib cause you were too embarrassed. I have been around the block so to speak ;), and am writing this column as if it were a weekly Cosmo article on something I feel that people need to hear. Whether its because I receive a question about why vaginas are so ugly or how to sexually please circumcised tips,  I hope that this blog takes my large library of experience and translates it into something useful for you…. Through the privacy of your very own laptop screen so you don’t have to be embarrassed about learning how to properly give a girl an orgasm from oral (forget watching porn, I am the master library of what does and does not work in firing those 10 million sensory neurons in and around your main squeeze’s “spongecake” as one trashy novel called it. But wait, watch porn! I love porn! more on that in a later post….)

Whether you are a girl, guy or shman, I want to help you have a better experience in bed (or in a hot tub, or on the stairs or on a football field). Sex, yes, kissing, sure, everything in-between? My fave. So don’t hesitate to send in your questions! Ask me how to put a condom on with your mouth, or what the best positions are for diff widths (of vaginas or penises) then I’d be happy to answer. Every Wednesday (humday my fave!) I’ll have my own theme of sexyfunstuff to write about, coming from my own experience and from friends experiences. If you have questions, send them in anonymously to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JWJZ6MS

Until then dear (horny/curious/procrastinating) readers,


ps- i’ve never done this before:

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Good Morning World!

Welcome to my blog.

Before I start with my own original content, I’m going to lay out a few of my fav quotes to let you get a taste of what is to come….

“You know what people never mention about sex? that for five minutes to an hour you forget how fucked up your life really is… or if its bad you remember just how fucked up it really is.” – Tara Thornton from True Blood

“La relación sexual es darle patadas en el culo a la muerte mientras cantas.”

- Charles Bukowski, (roughly translated as: To have sex is to kick death in the ass while singing)

“Love is the answer – but while you’re waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions.” – Woody Allen

…. In a world facing overpopulation and impending doom (2012 anyone?) what is there left to do except think about/have/enjoy sex? This blog seeks to talk about sex openly and to help you with a few tips and tricks along the way 😉

A friend once told me that a good fuck felt like someone organized all of her desk drawers and straightened up her loose papers (full disclaimer: she has mild OCD). Another said that having sex felt like someone finished a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle inside every cell of her body. To me, the Spanish quote comes closest to defining a good romp in the bed. No matter how shitty my day has been, or how disconnected I feel with my body, sex can bring me back down inside myself so I feel whole again. I often think (in my post sex haze), “Oh yeah… thats what it feels like to really live.” I hope you have experienced something similar, but if you haven’t, just be patient and hopefully I’ll be able to help you out with what I post on here.

xoxo HDMP

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